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BookMark - The World of the End: Jesus' Final Warnings About Earth's Final Days
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A presentation of latest Christian books to hit the stores

Title: The World of the End: Jesus’ Final Warnings About Earth’s Final Days

Genre: Christian, Nonfiction, History, Spirituality, Theology

Authors: David Jeremiah

Publishing Date: October 4, 2022

Availability in London: Creation Bookstore.

Available in: Paperback


The World of the End: Jesus’ Final Warnings About Earth’s Final Days

In a world that seems to be spinning out of control, we need hope more than ever. What if the life sustaining hope you need is found within the pages of the Bible?

Join New York Times bestselling author and trusted Bible teacher, Dr. David Jeremiah's as he unpacks the scriptures to reveal that the problems we are facing is to be expected, and in fact will increase as we draw closer to the End Times. But even more importantly we should not worry since Jesus has overcome the world. And because of this there is hope for this life, but more importantly for the next.

Learn how:

The Bible has already laid the foundation on how we can live victoriously, even in difficult times Jesus not only calls Christians to a higher standard, but equips us with the tools and strength we need to confidently follow him daily.

And explore the gospels more closely to find the comfort you need to trust God is in control and that his plan is still working to completion.

Grow your faith, by going deeper, with Dr. David Jeremiah.

Reader Reviews, courtesy Goodreads

Sue rated “The World of the End” a 5 out 5 stars
The World of the End is Dr. David Jeremiah's look at how current happenings in our world match with the prophecies of Jesus in Matthew 24. Dr. Jeremiah posits that what is described in Matthew 24 also mirrors the beginning judgments in Revelation, with today's events being the beginnings of the birth pangs. In other words, what is happening today is the birth pangs that will increase over time until the Church is raptured and the Tribulation begins.

The prophecy in Matthew 24 is broken down into phrases, with each phrase studied and supported by other scripture. It's a warning of what's to come, and reminder of how Christians should live and relate to others as we approach the end times.

It is an excellent read, and one every Christian should get. If you are not a Christian - if most of the words above meant nothing to you - read this anyway to understand what's coming. Reach out to a local Christian church. Call Dr. Jeremiah's ministry, Turning Point, for help. Send me a message, and I'll explain it. Grab a bible and read the book of Mark.

Family friendly.

Linda rated “The World of the End” a 5 out 5 stars
The World of the End by Dr. David Jeremiah is a very timely and through explanation of what is referred to as the Olivet Discourse referenced in scripture. The books of Matthew (24:4-51); Mark (13:5-37) and Luke (21:7-38) each cover this teaching of Christ prompted by the question from his disciples, " When will you return and what will be the signs of your coming"? For the purposes of his book Dr. Jeremiah is referencing the scripture from Matthew 24. Dr. Jeremiah does a wonderful job of explaining these coming signs from a 21st century view point. And yet in all these worrisome & frightening signs that are referenced, Dr. Jeremiah never lets the reader lose sight of the hope that is found in Christ as our savior. Wonderful faith building book I highly recommend!!!

Katie rated “The World of the End” a 5 out 5 stars
In The World of the End, Dr. Jeremiah studies the signs of the end times through the lens of teachings from Jesus Himself. Using the beginning of the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24:1-14 as the framework for the book, He takes us to the whole of scripture to show that while it is not the end of the world yet (although it is very near), we are in “the world of the end” as time is quickly counting down to the imminent rapture of the church and the tribulation age. The signs in Matthew 24 are playing out today in our world exactly as the Bible said they would.

Biblical prophecy is a topic that many Christians shy away from because it can feel heavy and hard to understand. But Dr. Jeremiah presents the topic in an engaging way that is both sobering yet very encouraging and full of hope. As we see our world at large and our culture in particular spinning further out of control every day, we should not be surprised or downhearted. There is much cause for confidence as we witness prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes. And there is a challenge for us as believers to not give up or give in, but to positively and lovingly influence those around us with the gospel and be faithful until the very end.

I recommend this book to anyone, Christian or otherwise, who want to be prepared for what is coming, be equipped to encounter what is already happening, and, most importantly, be ready to follow and endure to receive the rewards in eternity.

Lance rated “The World of the End” a 5 out 5 stars
Dr. David Jeremiah does it again with another great book and guide as to how Christians should be living in today’s world. Using the Olivet Discourse as a framework, we not only better understand what’s ahead, but learn how to face an uncertain future with confidence and hope. He tells us we’re not to be frightened, but faithful as we look forward to Christ’s return. This is one book that I plan to keep near and go back and review periodically in order to maintain a godly perspective in today’s trying times.

Barbara rated “The World of the End” a 5 out 5 stars
Have a huge interest in the end times prophesy, but most books are written in such technical terms that I have a hard time following.

This book is written so that anyone can follow and understand

The book is for Christian and a non Christian

I found it enlightening and a very good read.

Melissa rated “The World of the End” a 4 out 5 stars
David Jeremiah has long been my go-to author for end times prophecy. This book does not disappoint when it comes to how to live amongst the people of the world as we prepare for what is to come. I highly recommend this book for any Christian looking to broaden their worldview in the end times.

David rated “The World of the End” a 5 out 5 stars
Thankful that The World of the End by Pastor Jeremiah arrived today. This new book shows us how to have a Spiritual Foundation. Jesus said that there will be betrayal, earthquakes, famines, lawlessness, lies, plagues and Wars will Escalate. We don't have to settle for coping with the times. We have hope as sure as sunshine.

Jill rated “The World of the End” a 5 out 5 stars
Dr. Jeremiah has done it again. He has written a book explaining the end that is coming. He is so good at explaining Revelation and everyone needs to read this book and all his others!

Jackie rated “The World of the End” a 5 out 5 stars
A guide for the troubled times in 2022. Advice for believers on how to live and thrive while you survive the coming days

T.J. rated “The World of the End” a 5 out 5 stars
Well written and concise. A good reminder and encouragement in trouble times and times to come.