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Homelessness in London – A Discussion with Those in the Know
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Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

According to the City of London website, the City maintains a comprehensive list called a “By-Name List”, of every person in the community actively experiencing homelessness. Using information collected and shared with their consent, each person on the list has a file that includes their name, homeless history, health, and housing needs. Maintaining a by-name list allows communities to track the ever-changing size and composition of their homeless population.

According to the same website: As of September 30, there were 1,935 individuals experiencing homelessness. According to those in the trenches stress that the “real” number is much, much higher with estimates all over the board.

So, for the purpose of this article, we will use the number that we know for sure, 1,935. 1935 is up 5% in just the last 2 months! 49% of those registered are over 40 years of age.

The City’s database claims that 14.2%, 275 people, were chronically homeless, that is homeless for at least six months over the past year, or experiencing homelessness intermittently over the past three years, with a cumulative duration of 18 months.

There were 102 active encampments as of September 30, 2024, that are meeting all of the current community health and safety guidelines, and including individuals actively engaging in services to obtain shelter or housing. The 102 does not include urban transient encampments ("sleeping rough" without structures, for example on benches or in doorways) nor does it reflect the total number of tents. Though the actual numbers are unknown, there are hundreds of these urban transient encampments.

In London, there is a lot of help for not only the homeless, but those living below the poverty line. Probably your church is directly or indirectly involved with groups that provide, food, clothing and/or shelter to those in need.

We are blessed to have several organizations totally focused with full time staffs to work with the homeless.

Recently, CCNL Acting Chair, Pastor Gary Fess had a conversation with Ericka Ayala Ronson (Executive Director of Mission Services), John Deactis (Executive Director at Salvation Army Centre of Hope), and Sarah Campbell (Executive Director of Ark Aid Street Mission) regarding homelessness in the city of London. This conversation was recorded and I encourage you to take a few minutes to watch.

Yes, London has a serious homelessness issue and no, it’s not getting better BUT these in this video you will hear positivity. Without sugar coating, they talk about hope and the abonnement of the silo thinking replaced by a collective, collaborative approach. Their programs are all so important and doing so much for those in need.

We think you will find it informative, insightful & inspiring!

Download PDF versions: 

Snapshot of Homelessness in London - Data from June 30 2024