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By Roland Clarke

There has been a huge increase in the number of people reading several online articles I have written over the last five months! This escalation began with the publication of 'Impossible breakthrough' in late January and has continued with the circulation of four more articles – related to the beautiful and intriguing celestial phenomena such as the solar eclipse, aurorae and rainbow. The fourth piece titled, 'Mercy triumphs over judgement' explains a brilliant halo of light and a rainbow encircling the throne of God in Ezekiel 1:28. e1.jpg" style="width: 400px" />

I've been thinking about the nearly 10,000 people who've read these 'celestial-themed' pieces online including the many neighbors and friends who I've personally engaged in meaningful conversational witness. Suddenly the thought occurred to me: Perhaps I should summarize these gospel insights as a sermon. The main purpose would be to explain these intriguing, yet thought provoking, ideas in a simple way that can be understood by anyone. This message would also include a number of practical examples illustrating how ordinary Christians can point their friends and neighbors to Christ in a gracious, seasoned-with-salt manner. (Colossians 4:5-6) Here is the teaser introducing my latest article, 'Mercy triumphs over judgement.' e1.jpg" style="width: 400px" />

Ezekiel 1:28 describes a vision of God's throne encircled by a glowing halo "like a rainbow shining in the clouds on a rainy day.” This reminded me of a similar vision in which the apostle John saw a rainbow encircling God's throne. Naturally this magnificent colorful scenario called to mind the sign of a rainbow which God used to reassure Noah and all his descendants that he would never destroy the whole earth by flood waters again. But one may ask: What's the point of promising to never (again) destroy the world by water, if God knew that humanity would continue being sinful and rebellious, and he would eventually have to destroy the world again, this time by fire? (Read more HERE)

The colorful celestial phenomenon as mentioned above are more than just a wise tactic for those who focus on sharing the gospel with special groups from other religions. These truths have much wider relevance! For this reason, I want to encourage Christians to share these gospel truths with their 'everyday' neighbors like I've been doing.

God used Ezekiel 1:28 to captivate my heart with a vision of his grandeur and magnificent beauty. Also this verse has encouraged me to be willing to face spiritual opposition not unlike how Ezekiel was emboldened to face resistance and hardheartedness among his people. But most of all, these truths have inspired me to boast about God's greatness and testify more confidently about the wonderful things has done for me. I trust that these insights will also inspire you to be unashamed of sharing the good news. (Romans 1:16-17)

How can I broach the subject of the aurora with my neighbour? Judgement

Millions of people around the world have seen and admired stunning displays of celestial beauty called the aurora, even people who live in regions where this spectacle was not observed before. Not surprisingly a neighbor told me that seeing the aurora is high on her bucket list. Recently I was in the elevator with a different neighbour, so I asked a simple question, “Did you get the opportunity of seeing the northern lights?”

She replied, “No I didn't but I did see some beautiful photos on social media.” Then she added, “We need to realize there is danger behind the beauty.”

Of course, I agreed with her since the beautiful aurorae come from sun flares. Back in May severe sun flares caused the highest-level geomagnetic storms to hit our planet in almost twenty years. In some countries these storms have caused power outages and interrupted radio transmission.

But notice, this warning also holds true for the spectacular solar eclipse which had captured headline news one month earlier in April. Almost everyone knew that they should wear protective glasses while viewing the eclipse so they wouldn't be blinded. This warning also holds true spiritually and so I'm praying for an opportunity to continue the conversation with this neighbor. I may mention Acts 26:13 where Jesus appeared to Saul in a vision. Saul was blinded by a light from heaven brighter than the sun. Other relevant Scriptures include Matthew 17:2 and Revelation 1:16-19 which describe Jesus' face “shining like the sun in all its brilliance.” (Matthew 17:2; Revelation 1:16-19; 1 Timothy 6:16; 1 Corinthians 4:4-6; Hebrews 12:28-29)


The admiration and awe experienced by modern people viewing celestial events is not unlike the worship that first century Athenians offered at their altar to the unknown God. (Acts 17) Paul graciously appealed to them; “Let me explain who this unknown God is and make him known.”

My prayer is that God will open doors for me to share a testimony in churches similar to what I've been telling many neighbors (including newcomers from various backgrounds.) Ideally I'm praying for opportunities to preach a sermon (as mentioned above.) However, even if churches can't find the space to let me share a testimony or sermon in their worship service, I trust that they will make a flier available to their congregations containing a 'teaser' that introduces one of the articles, 'Reflections on the aurora', 'The color of love' or 'Mercy Triumphs over judgement.' How true it is: the heavens declare God's glory! (Psalm 19:1)