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Navigating Faith & Culture - Together
Faith Today magazine now FREE in Canada

Remembering Sharon Rose Slauenwhite
Calling All Girls (6 through12) – Come to Yakira!
Courage For Freedom Welcomes Summer Breeze
And New Guests to Courage House!
Today's Revelation
Really, a Bear?
Three Essentials for Developing & Fulfilling a Vision
Dispelling the Dark
Reel Review - Fly Me to the Moon (MOVIE REVIEW)
The Organist (HUMOUR)
“Take Me For A Spin”
The Top 20 Christian Music Albums for Summer 2024
BookMark - Living in the Daze of Deception: How to Discern Truth from Culture's Lies (BOOK REVIEW)
Adjusting to New Realities
Make Him Known

If recent years have taught us anything, it’s this: conversations about religion have become loaded. In a society where religion and faith have increasingly become polarizing topics, it’s clear that we need informed perspectives and thoughtful conversation. But, who will lead the conversation? Faith Today senior editors Bill Fledderus and Karen Stiller are stepping up to offer a trustworthy, accessible place for Christians to better navigate the intersection of their faith, culture, and current events.

Subscribe to Faith Today Faith Today has been at the centre of Canada’s Christian conversation since 1983, equipping readers from across more than 45 denominations with expert research and insight into Canadian culture, Christian life, and ministry.

To serve even more readers, in May 2020 Faith Today removed subscription fees for Canadian residents, while not compromising on quality or content.

This decision reflects Faith Today’s commitment to sharing insight, practical wisdom and experiences that spark reflection and conversation among Canadian Christians. From articles focusing on why church still matters, to issues like assisted dying and QAnon, to topics like how hospitality is evangelism, Faith Today equips readers to engage challenging topics facing the Christian faithful.

Leading the charge on these conversations are Bill Fledderus and Karen Stiller, veteran editors relentlessly focused on excellent journalism about topics that matter to Canadians across the spectrum of Christian traditions.

“These are tough topics, but we must be able to engage them thoughtfully,” says Stiller. “We will take them on, sharing biblically informed perspectives in an encouraging, respectful, and curious way to help our audience step away from the sidelines, engage in tough conversations, and grow in their faith.”

According to Fledderus, “Our goal is to invite readers to dig into today’s issues of culture and faith by drawing on the wisdom of Christians across Canada -- Bible-reading, Spirit-led, thoughtful followers of Jesus. If you can picture Faith Today readers and Christian ministry experts, thinkers, and journalists across Canada sitting around a table to discuss, learn, and grow -- that’s it.”

Subscribers get six new print issues in their mailbox per year, plus 24/7 online access, making Canada’s Christian conversation more accessible than ever.

To subscribe, click here.