A presentation of latest Christian books to hit the stores.
Title: THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY – Israel, The Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days
Genre: Christian – Non-Fiction
Author: Jonathan Cahn
Publishing Date: September 3, 2024
Availability in London: Creation Bookstore.
Just when you thought Jonathan Cahn’s books couldn’t get more explosive, comes …
THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY : Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days.
- Is there more to the world than meets our eyes – another realm that’s transforming our world at this very moment?
- Is there an ancient vision that unlocks what is really happening to our world and what is yet to come?
- A dangerous force from ancient times that is now operating in the world and determining the course of world events?
- Did a three-thousand-year old mystery actually foretell the invasion of Israel by Hamas down to the year – and even the exact date?
- Is there a secret to the Book of Revelation that actually reveals what is taking place right now?
After eight New York Times bestsellers, Jonathan Cahn NOW releases his newest stunning blockbuster….
THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY : Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days.
For the first time ever, Jonathan Cahn will open up End-Time Prophecy to reveal the mysteries behind the End of the Age and what is now happening before our eyes – even the hidden keys to victory in the light of what’s coming – and how to overcome your Dragon!
THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY will reveal… The long-hidden secret of the Last Days The Dark Resurrection The Colors of the Apocalypse The Return of the Sea People The Day of the Dragon The Black Sabbath The Inverted Angel The Revenge of the Three Thousand The 2,315th Day The Secret on the Mount The Invaders The Beast And much, much, more! What does the future hold?
What do you need to know and do?
And what about the Dragon?
THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY – Israel, The Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days
It will change the way you see the world.
It will open your eyes and blow your mind!
READER REVIEWS Courtesy : goodreads
C.A. Gray rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 5 out of 5 STARS
I think this is the third book by Jonathan Cahn I have read. All of them have a lot in common: he looks for patterns in modern events, and draws parallels between those and Biblical events, often coming down to patterns in numerical calendar dates to show that one is a “type” of the others. Some of the correlations he draws are jaw-dropping; others seem like a stretch. This book was no different, but it’s even more prescient than the others, because it involves the Hamas attacks upon Israel on Oct 7, 2023, and how this is actually the resurrection of an ancient enemy of Israel, following a predictable pattern drawn from both biblical accounts.
As in his other books, Cahn focuses a great deal on the pattern of the Jubilee–how many things concerning Israel occur on 50-year cycles. We don’t actually know when the ancient Jubilees were before Israel was dispersed, because those records are lost, and I’d never seen him admit that in previous books, but he does in this one. However, I do have to admit that the 50-year cycles he’s identified since Israel regained its land, and even 50 years before that, is quite eerie.
This book also ventures into the subject of end times, though he makes no predictions regarding timing. He does imply that this attack of Hamas upon Israel is shaping up such that it *might* prefigure, or might even become, Ezekiel 38-39. Then he treats Revelation, describing Israel’s foretold fate (and how it too follows the ancient pattern) right on through to the New Heaven and the New Earth.
Absolutely compelling, and very timely!
Stephen Horton rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 5 out of 5 STARS
Jonathan Chan continues to expand on his previous books by drawing parallels between events in the Bible and their modern-day counterparts. He delves into biblical prophecies and explores the meanings of Hebrew words, showing how they are relevant in today’s world.
One of the main takeaways from the book is the idea that for every good ordained by the Lord, the devil has an evil and inverted counterfeit.
Chan also takes time to point out the similarity with previous wars in Israel and the most recent counterparts
I wholeheartedly recommend this book. It’s a fast-paced and attention-grabbing read.
David York rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 5 out of 5 STARS
Jonathan Cahn by the grace of God continues to wake each of us up that God’s word and promises are true, real, and that we sometimes get caught up in life and don’t recognize God’s hand moving today as it always has.
The book is outstanding, easy to read, simple to understand. I highly recommend it to everyone. I pray that everyone will wake up to the fact that we wrestle not against flesh but against principalities and powers in high places. This book lets you know who your fight is against.
Debra Szemplinski rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 1 out of 5 STARS
Looked forward to this only to have paid for a Pro-Isreal, anti-Palestine poorly written propaganda piece! Why poorly written? 1) Why are scriptures only noted in end-notes? Everybody knows you place chapter/verse immediately after use. 2) Most chapters are 1-2 pages long. End notes arranged by chapter, noted on one page only. In other words, difficult/cumbersome to find that one chapter page. 3) Entire book is written in short quips with large headlines. Quick read
I thought this would be an eschatological work, i.e. return of Sea People. Who are they? Well brace yourselves folks for this amazing deduction. They are the Phillistines – yes, that term used to describe the uncouth, the poorly civilized, boorish fools. They were originally a seafaring people – and they are baaaack! How do we know? Because on Oct 7 Hamas attacked Israel. Think I’m joking – he’ll remind you of that every other page. Basically, anything that is anti-Israel (geo-political land mass not ‘the people of God’.)is deemed to be devised of the Anti-Christ.
Apparently, the only lesson the Israeli’s have learned the past 5800 yrs of poor treatment is – ‘make sure you do the same thing to your enemies!’ ‘eye for an eye’! Mind you Cahn is supposedly a Christian. For example, Chapter 21, pg 75:
Beating Plowshares into Swords
“In order to prevent Gazans from producing weapons to used against Israeli citizens, a ban was put into effect on the import of iron and the iron alloy steel. In ancient times the Phillistines kept the Israelites from making weapons of iron. In modern times the saga continued, as Israel sough to keep the Filastin people of Gaza from, likewise, producing weapons of iron.”
He goes on to say that the Israelites made weapons anyway -just like the ‘Phillistine’ Palestinians are doing now. How? They have misappropriated humanitarian aid to buy and forge weapons to be used on Israelis.
In toto: Anyone who is Pro-Palestine is an enemy of Israel and an advocate of the Anti-Christ. The ENTIRE BOOK is founded around the current political environment of Israel’s current conflict.
I was hoping to be reading something on par with the likes of Michael Heiser’s Unseen Realm. Nothing could have been further removed from that excellent work.
Gayle Fairless rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 5 out of 5 STARS
An amplification of Christian and Jewish traditions and doctrine
The book explains clearly and in detail the characteristics of the latter days, the end of the age, and profound things stated simply but expanded. The information is available all over the world but connected coherently in the book. Christianity needs the background of the Jewish culture. The Jews need their Messiah. The Dragon must die because it fights the Lamb of Life and Life. The Dragon cannot exist without the Lamb. The Lamb creates.
Beth Thornton rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 5 out of 5 STARS
Just amazing! Don’t overlook this outstanding book by Jonathan Cahn
Michelle Ule rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 4 out of 5 STARS
This was an interesting book.
Weaving Biblical prophecies with a “word,” Cahn got from the Lord and delivered the night before the October 2023 Gaza horrors. This was an eye-opener as he contrasted Jewish traditions and history, not to mention Biblical passages, with what actually happened.
Like his last book, this book made me sit up straight and really wonder.
Is God behind all this?
Well, why wouldn’t he be?
Kenneth Garrard rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 1 out of 5 STARS
Extremely Jewish Kabbalah. not a great book at all.
Anne Marie Foxworth rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 5 out of 5 STARS
A modern day prophet
I have read every book Jonathan Cahn has written. I believe he is a modern day prophet of the Lord. His knowledge of ancient Israel and his God given insight of how it relates to world events is amazing. The only critique I have is he tends to repeat himself over and over. It is his style of writing and speaking, I assume because he gets very passionate about his topic. I will continue to read and watch everything he speaks on because his teachings are fascinating and directly related to world events unfolding now.
Rodney Hall rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 4 out of 5 STARS
Jonathan Cahn brings the history and future of Israel and the world into focus in his newest release, “The Dragon’s Prophecy: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days. The timing could not be better as we breathless wait to see how Israel’s wars with Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthi will end.
Being very familiar with most of the topics of the book, it started a little slow for me – though necessary for new students – so I was concerned the book would not add much that was new. My fears were alleviated, however, with a deluge of new information and important connections that I was not aware of.
Like all of Cahn’s books, he may go a little far sometimes to make a connection, nevertheless, it is all great food for consideration. The writing of this book is better than some in the past, where the author’s style was a little too redundant for my taste. There is certainly less of the “could it be…” that began to bother me two or three books in. Still, I would not call this one a page turner. It took some effort to push through all the information. Certainly not “Harbinger”, but better in other ways.
In the end, I would read it again, and will certainly use my highlights and notes as I continue to study this topic. If you want to know more about Israel and its place in Bible Prophecy, and only have time for one book, I don’t know of any better than this one.
Ali Hassan rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 4 out of 5 STARS
The Dragon’s Prophecy: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days is a provocative and gripping exploration of biblical prophecy, eschatology, and modern geopolitics.
The author intertwines religious themes with contemporary events, focusing primarily on Israel’s role in the end-times narrative.
The book draws heavily on Christian prophetic interpretations, particularly from the Book of Revelation, and weaves these prophecies with historical and current Middle Eastern conflicts.
One of the book’s strengths is its ability to capture the reader’s attention with a sense of urgency and impending crisis. The detailed references to scripture, combined with geopolitical analysis, make for a thought-provoking read for those interested in eschatology, Christian theology, or world events relating to Israel.
However, some readers may find the book’s perspective to be heavily biased towards a specific theological interpretation. The narrative can sometimes feel more like a passionate sermon than an objective analysis. This might appeal to readers who share the author’s beliefs but could be off-putting for those seeking a more balanced or academic approach.
Overall, The Dragon’s Prophecy is a compelling but polarizing read. It serves as both a spiritual warning and a geopolitical treatise, offering a fascinating—if narrow—view of the end times through the lens of biblical prophecy. For readers invested in these themes, it can be an insightful and engaging journey into the intersection of faith and global events.
Sjb Hart rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 5 out of 5 STARS
Powerful, insightful as always, biblical study understanding amazing. Rich in history, but present connections. Most precious are the words of encouragement and praise to readers and followers of our Lord, be of good faith, His love endures forever
Karen Danielson rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 5 out of 5 STARS
This needs more than 5 stars. It is a brilliant discourse about good and evil, how it applies to the Jewish nation past and present, how scripture is being fulfilled and so much more. Cahn is a gifted teacher and this is his best work.
Yuen Wai rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 5 out of 5 STARS
A book that who wants to know the truth and reality should read.
A book that anyone believes that there is a spiritual realm impacting the material realm should read.
The spiritual realm revealed by this book will open your spiritual eyes. You will see the reality that the mass media could not tell you.
You will see everlasting hope in this chaotic world.
You will see eternal peace in this tumultuous world.
You will have strength to overcome difficulties and worries.
If you are a Christian, you could not miss this eye-opening book which reveals a lot of mysteries in the Bible, especially the Book of Revelation.
What do the colours of the first four Seals in the Book of Revelation mean?
Who is the woman in Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation?
What is the flood of the Dragon?
Why do a small tribe still exist whereas a lot of kingdoms gone?
Strongly recommend this book to you. This is a must read book in 2024!
Monette Cortez rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 5 out of 5 STARS
This is fabulous and up to date with Israel’s war against Hamas. The ending brings joy. And Hope. We are in the last days and know how the Dragon operates.
Dawn Harper rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 5 out of 5 STARS
Wow! All I can say is WOW!!!! Lots of great info that fits nicely like pieces of a puzzle.
Barbara Beebe rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 5 out of 5 STARS
All the background information is amazing and a little overwhelming. I won’t remember it all. But I know who is always victorious. Thank you brother for your obedience.
James R Glynn rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 5 out of 5 STARS
I have read nearly all of Jonathan Cahn’s books. This was certainly the one that spoke most deeply to our current world situation, what has, is, and will happen in Israel and my own personal life as a Christian in the ever increasing darkness. Among the mini authors currently sharing wisdom that’s been revealed to them from the Bible and current events, I would recommend this book more than any other to all Christians… and anyone else who wants to understand why the smallest, most vulnerable nation has never and can never be destroyed, and what that has to do with every one of us.
Lane McKellar rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 5 out of 5 STARS
It’s not flesh and blood…
…but princes and principalities that we struggle. This work helps one to attain an eternal perspective on current events. Thank you and bless you, both the reader and the writer.
Deborah Heffington rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 5 out of 5 STARS
Amazing. Jonathan Cahn has done it again! Relating current events to Gods timeline. No man will know the day of Jesus return, but we can recognize the season if we read the Word.
Bob Rebbec rated “THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY” a 1 out of 5 STARS
I don’t know why but I expected more. The entire book was a biblical history of the Evil One’s war on Jews and how we Christians are Israeli by extension, in spirit. In the end there’s no revelation, I should have known, we are not to know His plan. The conclusion is ‘ have faith, fight the fight, don’t give up and all will be wondrous beyond comprehension in the end. Basically, nothing here that wasn’t taught in childhood Sunday school.