Christian Life in London


Photo by Janay Peters on Unsplash

By Helena Smrcek

Every season has a very specific smell at our farm. As fall slowly transitions to winter, the scent of frosty leaves fills the air every morning, only to give way to the acrid smell of woodstoves. When the crips air brings a fresh snowfall, there is yet another shift. Spring is definitely the most fragrant, but the smell of fresh hay is one of my all time favorites.

But lately I have been sensing another wonderful smell all around us. I sense it when I enter our church, talk to fellow authors at conferences, visit one of the few surviving Christian bookstore, I can even detect a whiff of it when I listen to worship music.

Holy Spirit is present, had been present since ancient days, but I feel there had recently been a huge shift. None of the new networks noticed, and there was no report on CNN, but it is real.

The revival is real. People flock to local churches, looking for community, direction, but most of all love. I have been attending Alpha this fall. Although I have been a follower of Christ for over three decades, I felt a strong pull. My reason wasn’t as much to ask questions, but to listen to what those who are still seeking the answers have to say. I too want to become versed in giving answers when my friends and family members ask.

I’m not talking about doctrine. I seek to understand where they are coming from, and what their needs are. We can get into deep theology later, after they understand that Jesus loves them the way they are and exactly where they are. Most people fear judgment. And most of us, Christians, need to learn how to become guides towards God’s love without issuing one. And I have seen that all around me this fall.

Honestly, I was a little shocked at first when I discovered that some 60 people signed up. That is a lot of people. And most of the keep coming, week after week. The church volunteers serve dinner, which always includes a delicious dessert and coffee, but they also sit at round tables, so conducive to frank discussions. And people open up. We talked about forgiveness, and how difficult that can be. One of our discussions revolted around sin. Last night we talked about why we should tell others about Jesus—and how to do it.

I love every moment of it, and now that I do have my answers, I feel a strong pull toward the group of volunteers that cook and bake, set up and take down, spend their evening talking to virtual strangers about the matters of heart and soul. And what is the most important thing? Week after week those strangers become less of that, and more of friends, and eventually our brothers and sisters in Christ.

To see peoples lives changed is the most wonderful thing. Jesus didn’t promise up a life without troubles, but He wisely gave us a family of believers to stand with us when times are tough. To see hundreds, perhaps thousands of people across our province, country, even continent to give up an evening, turn off their screens and spend several hours chatting with others makes me believe that the Spirit is in our midst. The work is not done.

The revival is here. I’m not sure if this one might be the last, but what I’m sure is that this one is ours. We may not gather in tents, although some of us might have the opportunity to do so, or not shout from the street corner. Canadians are much more private people. But in the midst of the quite discussions many a new Christian is born. The Kingdom is growing every day, and I believe that the plan of God is being fulfilled.

Jesus is coming, I can smell it in the air. So, let’s welcome all seekers, spend time answering their questions, and let’s show that what Jesus is all about, in the Scriptures, but also in our lives. Let’s join this move of the Holy Spirit and make it the best revival of our lifetime.

About the author…

Helena Smrcek, a journalist, author, and screenplay writer,  believes in the power of a well-told story. Her readers can expect a captivating page-turner, filled with thrilling suspense, and heartwarming romance.

 She started in publishing as a high school student, freelancing for Mississauga News. Her journalism carrier took off in 1999. Within three years Helena accumulated over 100 by-lines and interviewed Ann Graham Lotz, Carol Lewis, Cec Murphey, Kelita, and others. Her stories, many of them covers, have been published in Canada, the USA, Bermuda, New Zealand, and Australia. In 2002 she accepted a position at Listen Up TV, a current affairs program.

Helena became a founding member of Write!Canada, and The Word Guild, a Canadian national association of writers and editors. She is a graduate of Jerry Jenkin’s Craftsman Class, Act One, Donald Maass’ Fire in Fiction, Writer’s Police Academy, and several mentoring programs.

She regularly attends writers’ conferences and is a past or current member of such organizations as Word Weavers, American Christian Fiction Writers, Sisters in Crime, Toast Masters International, Boni, The Writer’s Guild, and others. Helena loves to participate in NaNoWriMo and hosts a writers’ group.



Author: fernando