It’s that time again, to catch you up, on all that has been happening at the LPFSC in these last six months. We put out two newsletters a year, our spring/summer, and this one our fall/winter one.
I know you are going to enjoy reading through this newsletter, hearing about our clients and their families, learning more about our team, our board of directors, programs, special events. We also like to take this opportunity to thank our very faithful donors, who give so generously of their time, prayers, finances and resources.
We are incredibly humbled by your sacrificial giving to this life-changing, life-saving ministry. You’ve given us the opportunity to share TRUTH, in a loving, caring atmosphere, that is non judgmental, and does not use manipulation or coercion, to bring about a life making decision. We care deeply for each client, and their families. Our mission is to share accurate information, that educates on all of their options, and speaks to the whole person, body, soul and spirit. We want our clients to be in a position where they can make an informed decision, and that is only possible with receiving accurate information.
Some of you may be aware of what is going on within our government right now, regarding Pregnancy Centres across Canada, and it is very concerning. On October 29th the federal liberal government held a press conference to announce that they will be “introducing legislation to require charities that offer pregnancy counselling to disclose whether they also offer abortion and birth control or referral to those services.” The legislation will be connected to charitable status. For more information, you can go to Government of Canada news release: httP-s:// finance/news/2024/10/gov.
Also, the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada (ARCC) is collecting negative stories about pregnancy care centres. Pregnancy Care Canada, did respond On October 30th with a media release, that you can read here: httP-s:// october-2024/. Pregnancy Care Canada is also collecting stories of clients that have used the services/programs from various centres across Canada, and received great support, and had very positive experiences. Our centres can then share these stories with our supporters, and PCC can use them also, where needed, as this political situation unfolds.
We appreciate your prayers, and support at this time. The news can feel heavy and may bring mixed emotions and thoughts, but we know and trust that God is in complete control over this situation. He is our strength, our protector and provider, we lean on Him, and seek His guidance, and follow His leading. The London Pregnancy and Family Support Centre is His ministry, He is our strong tower, our refuge, and the very foundation of this ministry and He will defend the rights of the unborn, and protect moms, and use this ministry to speak the TRUTH in love.
As you consider Christmas giving, and blessing ministries and organizations, we appreciate your consideration in giving to the work of the LPFSC. We are so grateful for you, for standing with us on the front lines, when it comes to the issues of LIFE. The Lord will deal with the evil of this world, and as followers of Jesus, we can be thankful and rejoice because we know how this story ends! Amen!
Thank you from all of our families, who you so graciously love upon. From all of us at the LPFSC we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas, and a New Year filled with love, hope and peace!
Lori Bethel
Executive Director
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London Pregnancy & Family Support Centre
261 Piccadilly St
London, ON N6A 1S3
Business: 519-432-7098
Fax Line: 519-432-7030
Crisis Line: 1-800-665-0570
Monday – Thursday: 10:00am–4:00pm
Friday – Sunday: Closed